Autumn Bird Photography at Shelling Hill Beach

We were in no hurry, the sun had risen an hour earlier, but we made our leisurely way south down the A1, across the border and into County Louth.
We had decided that we would spend a relaxing day simply exploring Templeton beach and enjoy some autumn bird photography on the Cooley Peninsula with the main purpose of our visit, to hopefully photograph wheaters.
Not having visited the area before we wanted to take our time exploring, after all you only get to enjoy an area for the first time, once.

Autumn Bird Photography at Shelling Hill Beach

As it turned out this would also be our first trip to Shelling Hill beach.
Our original plan was to start our adventure at Templeton Beach, but we arrived at Shelling Hill beach instead, so how did we end up there? Let me explain.
Please read the rest of this post here

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